There are few things college kids love more than a good prank – especially one nestled under the guise of “tradition.” But whether you’re a UT Volunteer in Knoxville or a Roane State Raider in Lenoir City, those so-called harmless traditions could land you in some hot water when you graduate. You may face disciplinary hearings, and if you’re found guilty of a more serious charge, you may find yourself without federal funding – or facing some time in jail.

Common criminal charges for college kids

Tennessee college students are in a unique situation; they may be far from home, and they may not realize that being charged with, say, underage drinking could have long-lasting effects on their lives once they leave school. Campus security might haul you into an office for spray painting a wall, but the Tennessee police officers will be called if you’re charged with:

  • Assault and battery
  • Sexual assault
  • Possessing a fake ID
  • Drinking underage
  • Drug possession
  • Theft, whether it’s burglary or shoplifting from the bookstore

The lines are even more blurred when it comes to accusations of bullying. While most schools have strict rules about hazing (University of Tennessee is no exception; in fact, there rules are very strict and very clear), it can be difficult to determine what constitutes general meanness vs. actual bullying.

So why bring these topics up? Because as criminal defense attorneys, we work with college kids a lot. And we understand that as hard as it is to call Mom and Dad to ask for help, doing time in prison, losing your scholarship and paying hundreds if not thousands of dollars in fines is even harder. A criminal conviction could potentially ruin your life, and if you’re just starting college at 18, you have a long life ahead of you.

At the end of the day, we know that a seemingly harmless prank shouldn’t keep you from getting a job. But you have to see it from the school’s side, too – that what seems harmless to you could cost them thousands of dollars to repair. And if your prank hurts another person, the stakes are even higher… even if it’s an accident.

We caution you: think before you act. And if it’s too late for that advice, give us a call. We’ll fight for your future.