Should you try to work your case out yourself? We get asked that question a lot. And the reality of it is, if you’re a mechanic, I would suggest that you work on your own car. But if you’re trying to handle something that you’re unfamiliar with, the likelihood of success is just simply not there. Understand that the folks on the other side, the folks from the insurance company, they are trained to elicit as much information as they possibly can from you in the hopes that they can subsequently use that against you.

Remember, in the state of Tennessee, only one party is required to know that a conversation, whether on the telephone or in person, is recorded. Those words can come back to haunt you. Typical questions such as, “Well, how are you doing today?” Or, “You’re feeling better.” They are meant to elicit an answer that at some point and time in the future will be favorable to the insurance company.

Not all insurance companies are bad. But what you have to understand is it’s a business, and they are going to operate it as a business. There’s a certain amount of human compassion involved, and you need an attorney that is skilled in negotiating and in dealing with the insurance company. So the succinct answer to that is, I don’t think it’s a good idea, and I want you to call me and the Knoxville area – T. Scott Jones – because I want to be there to serve your legal needs. or reach me at (865) 546-2141.