T. Scott Jones

About T. Scott Jones

T. Scott knows the importance of interacting with colleagues to stay abreast of developments and changes in the legal world. T. Scott frequently teaches CLE courses on trial strategy, teaching other lawyers his methods for success in the courtroom, and is certified as a Rule 31 Mediator in the Tennessee Supreme Court. He is a member of the Knoxville Bar Association, the Tennessee Bar Association, the National Trial Lawyers, and both the Tennessee and American Associations for Justice. Read more about T.Scott Jones
Jul 3, 2019

Can You Be Removed from the Sex Offender Registry in Tennessee?

By |July 3rd, 2019|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

The requirement to register as a sex offender is an ignominious consequence of receiving a conviction on a sex offense in Tennessee. In the eyes of the public, it labels you as an individual not to be trusted, and particularly avoided in many cases. It also inhibits you from obtaining employment and living in certain areas. In addition, as a registered sex offender, your Tennessee driver’s license will also indicate such. The State of Tennessee has [...]

Jun 26, 2019

Common Questions about Uninsured Motorist Protection

By |June 26th, 2019|Auto Accidents|0 Comments

If you’re hit by an uninsured or underinsured driver, you may need to rely on your own policy for help. Today, T. Scott Jones answers some common questions about uninsured motorist coverage. Do I Need to Have Uninsured Motorist Coverage?  Why you need to have uninsured motorist coverage. Uninsured motorist coverage is like any other insurance coverage: it's there to protect you, particularly in the event that you're involved in an accident with injuries or [...]

Jun 19, 2019

Tennessee Confirmed as the Worst State for Cell Phone Distracted Driving Fatalities

By |June 19th, 2019|Auto Accidents|0 Comments

The state of Tennessee was recently branded with an unfortunate mark. Among all 50 states and the District of Columbia, it is the worst state for distracted driving deaths involving cell phone use. The study, released by Value Penguin, looked at the statistics on deaths in the state connected to cell phone use and driving from 2015 to 2017. Tennessee fared miserably when compared to all other states. During this time period, more than 1,400 deaths [...]

May 7, 2019

Do My Children Have to Visit with the Other Parent if They Don’t Want to Go?

By |May 7th, 2019|Divorce|0 Comments

 Oftentimes people will ask me if their children have to go visit with the other parent if they do not want to go, and what I normally tell people is if you have court order setting forth co-parenting time with each parent and your children do not want to visit with the other parent, most judges will tell you that the children do not get to make that decision. I also tell people if you [...]

Apr 24, 2019

How Should I Behave in Court?

By |April 24th, 2019|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

 How you should behave in court is now something that we are regularly having to tell our clients. Those cellular devices that you have with you? Any type of mobile electronics need to be turned off. You don't need to be texting in court and you need to be paying attention to the proceedings. You don't want to be a distraction in any way, shape, manner or form – and just as a matter of [...]

Apr 17, 2019

Duty to Report Minor Accidents in Tennessee

By |April 17th, 2019|Auto Accidents|0 Comments

When serious accidents happen, drivers have a duty to contact the police. A serious accident usually means that a driver, passenger, pedestrian, or bicyclist was injured. If a car isn’t drivable after a crash, that also suggests the accident was serious. A question that often arises after an accident is, What must drivers do if the car accident doesn’t cause any injuries or massive property damage? And where does Tennessee draw the line between minor accidents [...]

Apr 10, 2019

Are Waivers of Liability Effective in Tennessee

By |April 10th, 2019|Premises Liability|0 Comments

Are waivers of liability effective in Tennessee? Many times when involved in any sort of recreational activity, be it going to the trampoline park or going swimming, you'll be faced with a decision to sign a waiver of liability. Many people will sign those documents without much thought. However, you have to be aware of what you're giving up. Many times you're giving up the right to sue that particular company relative to any act of [...]

Apr 3, 2019

Liability When Emotional Support Dogs Attack

By |April 3rd, 2019|Premises Liability|0 Comments

Generally, Knoxville homeowners who have a dog are liable if the animal bites or attacks someone, but the laws say you have to keep your pets “under reasonable control.” We don’t have a one-bite rule here, so the dog doesn’t have to haver a record of bad behavior. Now, if someone breaks onto your property and the dog bites him, it could be different story – but by and large, you’re responsible for your dog’s actions. [...]

Mar 26, 2019

Can I Go to Jail if I Don’t Pay My Child Support?

By |March 26th, 2019|Family Law|0 Comments

 A lot of days I get people who call and they're frustrated, because they feel like they're paying too much child support – and the first thing they want to do is just not pay the support. That is the worst thing that you can do at that time, because if you do that, you could be subjecting yourself to contempt of court, and that can be monetary fines, you may be having to pay [...]

Mar 19, 2019

Can Your Emojis Be Used Against You in a Court of Law?

By |March 19th, 2019|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

It’s virtually automatic that lawyers in both criminal and civil cases will seek to examine your social media posts. Attorneys will ask to review your Facebook posts, your Twitter feeds, and any text that you’ve posted. It’s why many lawyers advise their clients to stay off social media as soon as their case begin. Clients should always be cautious, even if a case isn’t active, about what they say on social media. Online posting now includes [...]

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