
Jan 23, 2019

Empty Nose Syndrome Can Steal Away Your Life

By |January 23rd, 2019|Medical Malpractice|0 Comments

A condition known as empty nose syndrome (ENS) is produced as a result of improperly performed sinus surgery. When a surgeon performing this procedure inadvertently or carelessly removes one or more bones in your nose referred to as turbinates, the consequences can be devastating for the patient. These turbinates consist of a network of bones and blood vessels that are designed to moisten, warm, and filter the air you inhale. For instance, when you come down [...]

Jan 3, 2019

What Benefits Am I Entitled to if I Have a Workers’ Compensation Claim?

By |January 3rd, 2019|Workers Compensation|0 Comments

 If you've been injured at work, you're basically entitled to three benefits. The first and most important benefit is you're entitled to medical care relative to the injury, and that medical care continues for the rest of your natural life. The second benefit you're entitled to is what's called temporary total disability or temporary partial disability, which is basically workers' compensation pay. While you're off work, your employers are required to pay you two-thirds of [...]

Dec 26, 2018

If You Are Hit and Injured by a Drugged Driver, You Have Rights

By |December 26th, 2018|Auto Accidents|0 Comments

Being hit and injured by drivers who are high on prescription drugs, non-prescription drugs, and/or illegal drugs always has been a problem. However, the number of auto accidents related to people who are high on opioids, marijuana, and other drugs has been increasing recently, in part because some states have legalized the use of marijuana – and opioids seem to be everywhere. If you are injured in a crash with a drugged driver, you have the [...]

Dec 19, 2018

How Should You Dress for Court?

By |December 19th, 2018|Personal Injury|0 Comments

 It's important to make a good impression. Understand the judge, or in the in case of a jury trial, the jury, is going to make decisions about you from your personal appearance. That may not be fair, but ladies and gentlemen, that is a reality of our current life. So, if you want to make a good impression, then I suggest that you dress for success. I suggest that you don't wear shorts. I suggest [...]

Dec 11, 2018

A Brief Look at Assault Charges in Tennessee

By |December 11th, 2018|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

In the movies, when someone’s honor is at stake in a public place, the two characters inevitably come to blows. A chair gets broken; someone is struck by a lamp. In the end, one man (or woman) is left standing, and then he or she leaves said space to accomplish whatever mission is up next. In real life, that’s not how it works at all. Assault is a broad term, but Tennessee law breaks it down [...]

Dec 4, 2018

Do the Police Have to Give Me a Miranda Warning Before Arresting Me?

By |December 4th, 2018|Criminal Defense|0 Comments

 One of the common urban myths deals with Miranda warnings. Do the police actually have to give you a Miranda warning before they arrest you? The long answer is yes, if they intend on questioning you. The short and succinct answer is no. They can actually arrest you, they can detain you, but before they talk to you, they need to give you a Miranda warning. The fact that they didn't give you a Miranda [...]

Nov 20, 2018

I Was Hurt on Someone Else’s Property. What Do I Do?

By |November 20th, 2018|Personal Injury|0 Comments

Property owners and managers have a responsibility to keep their property safe. When you see a “Wet Floor” sign at the supermarket, or signs posted around a construction site, or a notice in the bathroom of your favorite restaurant telling employees to wash their hands before resuming work – all of these signs are posted to ensure that everyone gets through their days safely. Sometimes, however, property owners can be a little lax. They cut some [...]

Nov 13, 2018

Do You Have a Cause or Action Against Anyone Besides the Intoxicated Driver?

By |November 13th, 2018|DUI|0 Comments

 That would depend on the situation, and that is when it's very important for you to go ahead and immediately hire an attorney, because that attorney can investigate where that person got intoxicated, and things such as if that person was over-served and if that business has some liability for over-serving that person. That's why it's very important that you immediately contact an attorney who has knowledge about these types of cases. We at Banks [...]

Nov 7, 2018

A Final Decision Regarding DUI Testing Fees

By |November 7th, 2018|DUI|0 Comments

If you’re anything like us, you’ve been watching the case about DUI testing fees move through the courts. In late August of this year, the Tennessee Supreme Court has issued its final ruling, and it appears these $250 testing fees are here to stay for people convicted of drunk driving. Why was the TBI charging and collecting fees for DUI testing? Back in 2008, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) was facing major budget cuts and [...]

Oct 16, 2018

Can I Get Custody of My Grandchildren?

By |October 16th, 2018|Family Law|0 Comments

 Grandparents call us a lot of times asking if they can get custody of their grandchildren. And there's not a simple answer to this question; however, in the state of Tennessee, parents have what's called a superior parental right to parent their children above and beyond everyone else. So, you may not like the way that your children are raising their children, but that does not necessarily mean that you can get custody of your [...]

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