Auto Accidents

Dec 26, 2018

If You Are Hit and Injured by a Drugged Driver, You Have Rights

By |December 26th, 2018|Auto Accidents|0 Comments

Being hit and injured by drivers who are high on prescription drugs, non-prescription drugs, and/or illegal drugs always has been a problem. However, the number of auto accidents related to people who are high on opioids, marijuana, and other drugs has been increasing recently, in part because some states have legalized the use of marijuana – and opioids seem to be everywhere. If you are injured in a crash with a drugged driver, you have the [...]

Jul 25, 2018

Can I File a Spinal Cord Injury Lawsuit After My Car Crash?

By |July 25th, 2018|Auto Accidents|0 Comments

You can face devastating consequences after experiencing a spinal cord injury in Knoxville or anywhere throughout the State of Tennessee. These consequences can include long-term injury, the inability to work or engage in everyday activities, the inability to care for yourself or your family members, severe disability, and even paralysis. According to the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center (NSCISC), car accidents are the number one cause of spinal cord injury (SCI) in the U.S. They [...]

May 2, 2018

The Worst Tire Ever Made

By |May 2nd, 2018|Auto Accidents|0 Comments

Court documents recently made public reveal the Goodyear G159 RV tire to be “the worst tire made in history.” This is not hyperbole, as a shocking article from Jalopnik disclosed that the tire was linked to hundreds of vehicle crashes and several fatalities. New evidence disclosed in an Arizona court on April 4, 2018 revealed that the product is tied to more than 700 complaints. The issue at a glance Jalopnik's investigation of the court documents [...]

Apr 18, 2018

What Is an Auto Recall?

By |April 18th, 2018|Auto Accidents|0 Comments

An auto recall is when automakers or the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has identified a safety defect in one or more vehicle models. As a result, the vehicle with the defect violates the safety standards established by the federal government, and a defect can concern either the entire vehicle or a part thereof, such as the design. Therefore, a recall can involve: Broken steering parts Broken or stuck accelerator controls Fractured wheels Malfunctioning windshield [...]

Mar 28, 2018

How Dangerous is Distracted Driving?

By |March 28th, 2018|Auto Accidents|0 Comments

Distracted driving includes texting while driving, talking on your smartphone while operating a vehicle, eating, playing with the radio, looking at a GPS system, or any activity that takes your hands off the steering wheel and your eyes off the road. Distracted driving also includes driving while under the influence of alcohol and driving while drowsy. The statistics are overwhelming. Distracted driving is a leading cause of death, catastrophic injury, and permanent harm to vehicle drivers, [...]

Nov 29, 2017

My Property Has Been Damaged; Now What Do I Do?

By |November 29th, 2017|Auto Accidents, Personal Injury|0 Comments

Mother Nature is unpredictable; just ask the people of Gatlinburg, or Houston, or anyone in California. Humans can be unpredictable, too. As of right now, there have been 151,592 traffic crashes in Tennessee this year, and 10.429 of them have happened in Knox County. Of those 151,592 crashes: 732 were fatal 37,264 involved an injury 113,605 led to more than $400 in property damage When you’re seriously injured in a crash, your first thoughts should be [...]

Oct 17, 2017

Why Many Car Accidents Happen at Intersections

By |October 17th, 2017|Auto Accidents|0 Comments

Statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration confirm that 40% of car accidents in the United States occur at intersections. Intersection accidents are common because there at least two crossing roads. Roads typically have at least two lanes of travel, which means most intersection traffic involves four lanes of travel. Cars at intersections can either turn left, right, or travel straight through the intersection. Drivers need to look out for all three types of traffic [...]

Sep 6, 2017

Event Data Recorders Can Help Build a Case After a Car Crash

By |September 6th, 2017|Auto Accidents|0 Comments

You are driving into the sunrise or sunset when suddenly you collide with another vehicle. Finding the answers to who, what, why, and how is important in a successful auto accident case, and one method to find said answers is to look at your vehicle’s event data recorder (EDR). What is an event data recorder? The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) says that an EDR is a device, installed in an automobile, that records a [...]

Jun 21, 2017

The Future is Now: Federal Guidelines for Driverless Vehicles

By |June 21st, 2017|Auto Accidents|0 Comments

Driverless cars used to be the perfect symbol for the future. Thanks to companies like Tesla and Google, though, the future is now – and driverless cars are a real thing. As exciting as that is, though, there are still issues when it comes to liability and driver safety, so back in 2016, the United States Government unveiled guidelines concerning driverless vehicles. The guidelines cover many points. We’ve created a summary of them here, so you [...]

Apr 26, 2017

Faulty Guardrails Causing Injury and Death in Tennessee

By |April 26th, 2017|Auto Accidents|0 Comments

There is a critical piece of safety equipment that can protect you from serious injury if it works and kill you if it fails. We are not talking about safety belts or airbags, but the guardrails that you see every day along the side of the highway, but probably don't even notice. What most drivers do not know is that not all guard rails are created the same. Some guardrail terminals, instead of slowing down a [...]

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