Auto Accidents

Sep 21, 2016

Common Injuries Pedestrians Suffer Due to Accidents

By |September 21st, 2016|Auto Accidents|0 Comments

Often, when people talk about auto accidents, they usually talk about the injuries sustained by drivers and passengers. But the people inside the cars and trucks are not the only ones who get injured in auto accidents. Pedestrians get injured too, and pedestrian injuries are just as prevalent as driver and passenger injuries. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has compiled some statistics on this matter. According to its latest data in 2013, more than [...]

Sep 7, 2016

What You Should Know about Broadside Collisions

By |September 7th, 2016|Auto Accidents|0 Comments

Broadside, side impact, “T” bones – whatever you call them, these types of collisions are dangerous, and can leave you with serious injuries. T-bone collisions are auto accidents involving the side of a vehicle hitting the back or front of another vehicle, thus creating the “T.” Accounting for factors such as the impacted vehicle portion(s), safety measures, vehicle speed, and vehicle weight, the vehicle damage and accident victims’ injuries often are more serious than the damage [...]

Aug 24, 2016

The Dangers of Playing Pokémon Go

By |August 24th, 2016|Auto Accidents, Personal Injury|0 Comments

Regardless of whether it is for work or play, we often spend several hours glued to our electronics – our computers, our televisions, our cell phones, etc. Fortunately, there are ways for us to wisely utilize our time while glued to our electronics, and one such way is to play Pokémon Go, a free mobile augmented reality game in which we journey to real-life places in order to catch and train Pokémon creatures. Playing Pokémon Go [...]

Aug 10, 2016

Be Aware of the Dangers of Summertime Driving

By |August 10th, 2016|Auto Accidents|0 Comments

The heat is on. School is out. The nights are shorter, and the days are longer. It is time to hit the road and live the summer life. For some of us, that means vacations and visits to faraway places (or at least to a nearby lake). We tend to think of winter as a season full of roadside dangers, and it is. But summer also is a season full of roadside dangers, and we [...]

Jun 21, 2016

Tennessee Senate Bill Redefines Driver to Include AVs

By |June 21st, 2016|Auto Accidents|0 Comments

We are constantly on the go here in Knoxville. We rely on our cars, our primary mode of transportation, for everything; to go to school, to work, etc. Now, a new type of car, a car capable of driving itself, is in development, and the Tennessee State Senate has passed a bill that sets guidelines and regulations for self-driving cars, or autonomous vehicles. What are AVs? Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are vehicles that operate themselves in one [...]

Jun 6, 2016

The Dangers of Rear-End Crashes

By |June 6th, 2016|Auto Accidents|0 Comments

We Tennesseans are constantly on the go. Our cars and trucks are our primary mode of transportation, which means we have to deal with other drivers. We cannot always be safe on the road because we cannot control the actions of others. One common type of auto accident is a rear-end crash or collision. The most persistent kind of automobile accident, rear-end crashes involve one vehicle’s front bumper hitting another vehicle’s rear bumper. We also call [...]

May 4, 2016

Let’s Take a Minute to Examine This Car Seat Debate

By |May 4th, 2016|Auto Accidents|0 Comments

There are few things more controversial than child safety. Everyone agrees that protecting our kids is a top priority, but we have a harder time agreeing on just how to do that. The recently recalled car seat bill is just another example of difficult it is. The bill, which had been passed by the Senate and the House, “would change the rules to require kids under two to use rear-facing seats; children under age five must [...]

Apr 20, 2016

Tennessee’s “Slow Poke” Bill Moving Quickly through the House

By |April 20th, 2016|Auto Accidents|0 Comments

Its technical title is HB 1416/SB 1608, but the charmingly named “Slow Poke Law” is looking to change the way we drive here in Tennessee. Legislators are looking to help ease congestion while making our interstates a little safer to drive on, and they’re using a plan that’s worked in other states to do it. The “Slow Poke Law” is essentially this: if you’re driving on a roadway with three or more lanes, you’d better stay [...]

Apr 6, 2016

Are the Roads in Tennessee Really among the Most Dangerous Roads in America?

By |April 6th, 2016|Auto Accidents|0 Comments

We are a mobile people; we are constantly on the go. Therefore, we rely on our cars to take us places and to see faces. But we cannot always rely on the roads we drive on, and some roads are safer than others. The federal government has compiled a list of the top ten states whose roads are the most dangerous nationwide. Our great state of Tennessee ranks number ten on this list. Ranking number ten [...]

Mar 24, 2016

Help! I’ve Been in a Car Accident and I Don’t Know What to Do!

By |March 24th, 2016|Auto Accidents|0 Comments

It’s a nightmare scenario: you’re driving along when all of a sudden your vehicle is hit by another car, or a car stops short in front of you, or you swerve to avoid a deer and you hit a tree. Your car is a wreck, you’re completely shaken up, and you’ve no idea what to do next. At Banks & Jones, we’ve heard stories like these (and so many more) time and time again from drivers [...]

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